Cathy Norton

Super Girl

I am Cathy Norton and I chose the character of SuperGirl as my esCarpade alter ego because full lycra body suits are just so last season! I get to hang out with Ironman and Jarvis and our other SuperHeroesACT team mates (Thor, WonderWoman, Hawkeye and the Bat and the Cat) to raise funds for Camp Quality.

You cannot help but be touched by the impact CQ's work has on the lives of little kids living with their own diagnosis of cancer, or the diagnosis of someone they love. Their brave stories are inspirational and, as a parent and now grandparent, it has been a life changing experience to be involved. Although I have only been on a few esCarpades, I have helped fundraise for 10 years with Ironman and couldn't be prouder of our team and the wider esCarpade family.

All our lives will be touched by cancer in some way, and in this small way, I feel we are helping to make a difference, and make someone's journey a little easier.